Student Council

At West Bretton School we believe that our pupils should have a voice and help us lead the school forward, making it the best school it can be. Our student council does just that!

The student council meets with Mrs Womersley, the Headteacher, on a regular basis and makes important decisions about key issues in school.  It is also heavily involved in organising school fundraising events to benefit others. 

The council is made up of two representatives from each class, who are elected by their peers, after creating their own manifestos.  The children are responsible for gathering the views of their class as well as suggesting enterprising ideas of their own.

Over the past year the student council have been involved in organising curriculum activities such as World Book Day and Anti-Bullying Week, raising money for Children in Need and Sport Relief, deciding on equipment for a new Trim Trail and community play equipment as well as helping interview our new caretaker.  They have an important part to play in school life.

Latest notice...

The School Council has decided to spend Sainsbury's School Vouchers on Fun Fitness Sessions.

Next event...

What's happening in school? Check out our calendar of events.


Download a flier about our 2014 Christmas Fair on 9th December.

Click here for the PDF file
Tuesday 04 March 2025