
“This is a good school.  The school’s systems and procedures for safeguarding pupils and for providing care, guidance and support are outstanding. Pupils, parents and carers recognise these excellent qualities. They lead directly to pupils’ high attendance, outstanding behaviour and excellent understanding of how to lead a healthy life. Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is good, their moral and social development being particularly noteworthy. All groups of pupils make good progress and some make outstanding progress. There is no underachievement by any group of pupils.”

From our last inspection in November 2011

Please use the link below to read our report.

Since our last inspection, everyone in school has been on a relentless mission to achieve the targets set, together with raising standards of achievement (attainment and progress) across school.  We want to ensure the best outcomes for all our pupils.

Our key priorities for 2014-15 include:

  • Increase the number of pupils achieving level 5/6  maths and strive for some pupils to achieve level 6 writing and reading at the end of KS2
  • Increase the progress of writing
  • Increase the number of children passing the Year 1 phonic test
  • Improve spelling throughout school
  • Improve the performance of pupils in Foundation Stage in expressive arts and design
  • Increase the progress of maths in Lower KS2 and Year 1 so that all groups of pupils demonstrate a good level of development
  • Ensure that all teaching is consistently good or better
  • Develop the teaching of PE and computing throughout school
  • Develop new assessment systems in light of government changes
  • Renew the 'Investors in Pupils' and 'Artsmark' awards and work towards gaining the full accreditation for the International School’s award
  • Set up and carry out the ‘Be the Best' programme throughout school
  • Continue to develop the role of the subject leader
  • Further develop partnerships with parents involving the new home reading scheme, the new maths curriculum and homework.
Ofsted: inspection reports
Ofsted: school data dashboard

Please note, the Department for Education does not publish figures if there are fewer than ten children in a year group.

Ofsted: Parent View

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The School Council has decided to spend Sainsbury's School Vouchers on Fun Fitness Sessions.

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Download a flier about our 2014 Christmas Fair on 9th December.

Click here for the PDF file
Tuesday 04 March 2025