Class 4

“Education and learning are one of the most important ingredients to becoming all that you can be.  How open you are to learning will help determine your path in life.”

Michelle Obama

Welcome to Class 4, home to Years 5/6 – the final years in your child’s primary school experience! We aim for these years to be challenging, in order for all our pupils to achieve their very best academically for the end of Year 6 tests, but also for them to be fun, enjoyable and rewarding, enabling them to become kind, fulfilled and well-rounded individuals.

As the pupils have completed two or three years in Key Stage 2, they are fully aware of our school’s expectations about appropriate behaviour, standards and attitudes. The target for these final two years is to learn greater independence and personal responsibility for both actions and personal belongings, in preparation for their journey to the next stage of their education.

We have a two-year rolling cycle of topics, which involve pupils in their own learning through many exciting activities and learning opportunities. Each morning, our learning is focused on literacy and maths. Most Year 5/6 pupils will do maths with Mrs Scott. In the afternoons when we do our topic work, we concentrate on other aspects of the curriculum,  extending our learning through art and design projects, a variety of science investigations, finding out about the world through aspects of history, geography and RE, and in keeping healthy through being active in PE.

In Year 5/6, we will go swimming to Ossett Baths each Monday afternoon.

As part of our commitment to the creative arts, this Autumn we are looking forward to participating in the Shakespeare Schools Festival, where we will be performing The Tempest at Wakefield Theatre Royal. Additionally, we will be doing our usual end of year production, giving us the opportunity to exercise our music and drama skills.

During each topic, we aim to go on an educational visit, or have a visitor into school, as well as having special themed days throughout the year.

For homework in Year 5/6, pupils will be expected to read independently every day for about 15-20 minutes, recording this in their reading log, and writing regular reviews on books they have read. Spellings will also be sent home for the children to learn, from the National Curriculum word lists. Time will be allocated each day in the classroom for silent reading, and spelling. Additionally, they may be given maths homework to consolidate their learning in class, literacy comprehensions, or asked to do research to support their topic work. Please note that homework involves both doing the actual work and ensuring that they return it to school on time!

Teacher: Mrs L Sellens

Teaching Assistants: Miss R Riley, Mrs H Bickerdike

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The School Council has decided to spend Sainsbury's School Vouchers on Fun Fitness Sessions.

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Download a flier about our 2014 Christmas Fair on 9th December.

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Tuesday 04 March 2025