
West Bretton School values its connections with members of our community.

Each term we invite members of the local community for lunch. Often the children entertain them with nativity performances and summer term concerts. The community are also our special judges on Egg Day when children decorate their own egg in school. Community members joined us for our Jubilee celebrations and spoke to the children about West Bretton in the past. Our older children are keen to look after our guests and serve their lunches whilst our younger ones love to talk!

We regularly send contributions to The Village Voice and local press updating the community on our activities, and the community are very supportive in assisting with any voucher collections, eg Sainsbury’s Active Kids.

One of the highlights of the year is the switch-on of the Christmas tree lights outside school, where we celebrate together.

Our field is open to the community outside of school hours, including our newly installed Trim Trail. After consulting the community, we have recently applied for a Lottery grant to upgrade the play equipment in our field.

We have strong links with The National Mining Museum and particularly the Yorkshire Sculpture Park which we visit frequently and utilise in our curriculum.

Latest notice...

The School Council has decided to spend Sainsbury's School Vouchers on Fun Fitness Sessions.

Next event...

What's happening in school? Check out our calendar of events.


Download a flier about our 2014 Christmas Fair on 9th December.

Click here for the PDF file
Tuesday 04 March 2025