
"Few will have the greatness to bend history itself; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total; of all of those acts will be written the history of this generation."

Robert Kennedy

At West Bretton humanities is taught through an exciting thematic curriculum. Termly or half termly, a new ‘topic’ is introduced to the children. Children are engaged through enquiry-based learning and inspirational teaching ideas and stimulus such as introductory ‘Hook days’.  We instil the fundamental curriculum objectives of history and geography into our children through a dynamic, practical approach.  Each topic begins or ends with a truly motivating day of dressing up and getting involved in numerous workshops based on their particular topic that term. For example, in a recent Greek topic, children dressed up as Greek gods and were inspired by making and sampling Greek food which was then shared with parents at a special parents’ assembly. Other examples include the ‘Journeys topic’ where children went on a visit to the National Railway Museum and were transported by a ride on the Christmas Express where they met Santa. At West Bretton we believe in bringing History and Geography to life which results in children having a love of the humanities subjects which will stay with them for life.

All topics are creatively themed and each unit of work has practical aspects along with planned written pieces to match. This allows for flexibility amongst teachers in allowing them to meet the needs of the learners and encouraging the necessary key skills in History and Geography through creativity and teamwork. Key skills will be assessed by teachers each half term/term to show progression in learning throughout the school. The humanities subjects allow children to explore not only their locality, but beyond that to explore other countries, past societies and cultures from around the world.

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The School Council has decided to spend Sainsbury's School Vouchers on Fun Fitness Sessions.

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Download a flier about our 2014 Christmas Fair on 9th December.

Click here for the PDF file
Tuesday 04 March 2025