

As a result of parent and friends collecting Sainsbury's School Vouchers, the School Council has decided to spend them on Fun Fitness Sessions which will be led by a professional instructor and run for five weeks.

West Bretton School has achieved a Silver Mark in the Sainsbury's School Games which rewards schools for their commitment to and development of PE, sports clubs and competitions. Our award recognises all the hard work put in to ensure that children have access to a wide range of sporting opportunities within school.

Download our School Calendar dates for 2014-15...

Just in case

In the event of adverse weather, please tune in to either:

Radio Leeds (92.4/103.9FM) or
Ridings FM (106.8FM)

Or visit Wakefield Council's School Closures web page...

Download our lunch menus for November/December...

Thank you  for not parking or dropping children off in our school car park entrances or on the roadside. Ample parking can be found across the road at the Village Institute. The area next to the office is only for use in special circumstances. Your cooperation is appreciated.

Latest notice...

The School Council has decided to spend Sainsbury's School Vouchers on Fun Fitness Sessions.

Next event...

What's happening in school? Check out our calendar of events.


Download a flier about our 2014 Christmas Fair on 9th December.

Click here for the PDF file
Tuesday 04 March 2025