Sports  Premium

What is the Sports Premium?

As an initiative to continue and progress sport and PE, the Government is spending over £450 million to provide new, substantial primary school sport funding and to improve physical education in Primary Schools. This will be spread out over three academic years: 2013-2014, 2014-2015 and 2015-2016. This funding is being jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport, and will see money going directly to primary school head teachers to spend on improving the quality of sport and PE for all their children.

The sport funding can only be spent on sport and PE provision in schools.

Purpose of funding

We will have to spend the sport funding on improving our provision of PE and sport, but we will have the freedom to discuss and decide how best to deploy the money over the next two to three years.

Possible uses for the funding could include:

  • Hiring specialist PE teachers or qualified sports coaches.
  • Providing new and additional Change4Life sport clubs/Bupa fit.
  • Continuing professional staff development in physical education and sport.
  • Hosting more competitions and increasing all pupil participation in those competitions.
  • Buying high quality PE and sport equipment - this could include schemes of work and/or more resources
  • Providing paid for places for children to attend after school sports clubs
  • Payment of a school cluster sports coordinator

How will we be initially spending the Sports funding and who will benefit?

At West Bretton Junior & Infant School we will receive £8,355. All staff and governors agree that the money we have and will receive must be used so that:

  • All children benefit, regardless of sporting ability
  • All children have access to high quality PE equipment and outstanding PE teaching
  • All staff will have the opportunity to develop their subject knowledge and teaching expertise
  • Membership with the Youth Sport Trust organisation
  • Supporting sporting partnership with our pyramid of local schools

Below is a summary of how we intend to spend the sports funding during 2013-2014: 

Buying into membership with the Youth Sports Trust

The Youth Sport Trust is an independent charity completely devoted to enhancing young people’s lives through PE and sport. They are committed to giving every child a ‘sporting start’ regardless of ability or background. They are renowned for promoting sports and opportunities for those with special educational needs or disabilities. They are also excellent at working with schools and local communities and provide excellent clubs and links to many large sports companies, both locally and worldwide. The membership will be annual and will provide West Bretton with potential links to other organisations that we may also subscribe to e.g. Change4Life clubs. This membership will aid us in utilising the sports funding to the maximum benefit of all our children and staff at the school.

Providing places for pupils for after school sport club

Our school already offers a range of after school clubs, accessed by children from Key Stages one and two. These clubs  will continue to run as before, however by investing in the Youth Sport Trust charity we are hoping to have more sporting clubs by the end of the year. Further to this following staff PE development, more staff led after school sporting events/clubs after school.

Increasing participation in school sport

As well as working in partnership with Horbury Academy and pyramid school, Mrs Womersley (Headteacher) Mrs Corson (Sports/PE coordinator) and Mrs Beaumont (Horbury Pyramid sports coordinator) will be working harder than ever in promoting the participation in team games, in particular encouraging children to be involved in the upcoming sporting competitions within the local pyramid, also via keen teacher/ teaching assistant observation any children who we feel are gifted and talented within sport will be encouraged to pursue even further sporting events. Potentially this could mean funding the child to attend extra clubs or 1:1 coaching for the child to achieve their full potential. Equally if we note any children who are not progressing in PE we will offer them the same support and encouragement via coaching and or 1:1 sessions.

Development of the Teaching Staff

Mrs Womersley and Mrs Corson will work in partnership with our local pyramid schools and the youths sporting trusts to ensure as many courses and training opportunities are promoted to all staff and teaching assistants. The funding will contribute towards hiring professional coaches who will lead West Bretton staff towards becoming outstanding in their PE teaching.   

Annual expenditure 2013/2014

So far this year we have spent part of the grant on CPD for staff and bought specialist equipment to ensure our children have access to the most outstanding equipment available.

A detailed list of costs is below for your reference:

Sports coordinator and pyramid leader £1,074
New sports equipment £1,293
Staff CPD £1,000
Specialist swimming coach to teach Key Stage 2 (offsite) £628
Total cost this year £3,995
Amount of grant carried forward into next annum £4,340
Cost of proposed activities in 2014/2015
Total available next year to spend £12,695
Be the Best programme £850
Membership with Youth Sport Trust £300
Sports coordinator and pyramid leader £1,074
PE coordinator leadership time including leadership training modules (3 per annum) £1,000
Employment of specialist gymnast coach £400
Training to become forest schools practitioners (outdoor adventure and sport) £799
Specialist swimming coach £628
T3 specialist ping pong table and apparel (to engage children in sport during lunchtimes) £567
Zumba after school club specialist coach £300
CPD for staff in dance skills £390

Additional information

Full details of the Grant through the Department for Education website
The Youth Sport Trust website showing details of the exciting opportunities our membership has with them
Our Secondary School partnership website, showing details of sporting facilities the school has to offer
A schedule of the year's sporting events and competitions already planned

Please note, West Bretton School is not responsible for the content of external websites.

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The School Council has decided to spend Sainsbury's School Vouchers on Fun Fitness Sessions.

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Tuesday 04 March 2025