School day

Breakfast Club

Breakfast club is open from 8am.  Please come to the main entrance and ring the breakfast club bell.

The school gate opens at 8.50am. Children are welcome to come into class from this time.

Lower Foundation Stage children

Half day: 9-12 noon

Upper Foundation Stage children

Full day: 9am-3.30pm

Morning session:  9-12 noon

Lunch: 12 noon-1pm

Afternoon session:  1-3.30pm

Year 1 to Year 6 children

Full day: 9am-3.30pm

Morning break:  10.30-10.45 am

Lunch: 12 noon-1pm

Afternoon break: 2.15-2.30pm (except Friday: 2-2.15pm)

Arrangements for Drop Off and Collection

Foundation Stage children (Class 1)

Please drop off and pick up from the Foundation Stage classroom.  You are very welcome to come into class and look at your child’s learning or do hands on learning with your child between 8.50 and 9am.

Year 1 and Year 2 children (Class 2/Key Stage 1)

Please drop off your child at the entrance to the glass corridor and, at the end of the day, please wait for your child in the Foundation Stage playground.  Staff will look for parents/carers and send the children out to you.

Year 3-Year 6 children (Classes 3 & 4/Key Stage 2)

Children will independently enter school and, at the end of the day, they will meet their parents/carers in the Foundation Stage playground.  If there is no one there to collect them, the children know they have to go back inside the school building.  Some of our older children, with their parents’ permission, meet their parents/carers in the Institute car park.

Latest notice...

The School Council has decided to spend Sainsbury's School Vouchers on Fun Fitness Sessions.

Next event...

What's happening in school? Check out our calendar of events.


Download a flier about our 2014 Christmas Fair on 9th December.

Click here for the PDF file
Tuesday 04 March 2025