
At West Bretton we can take up to 15 pupils in each year group. For a part-time place in our school, you have to apply directly to the school; whereas, for a full-time place, you have to apply directly to Wakefield Local Authority.

Part-time places will be offered to any child whose parents/carers have registered an interest in our school and these will be offered in the spring term before the child starts part time in the September. If more than 15 children request a part-time place then we will follow the criteria set out for admissions in the Local Authority Part-Time Admissions policy (please see the link for further information). A part-time place does not guarantee a full-time place and you will still need to apply to Wakefield Local Authority for this.

For a full-time place at our school you need to apply through the Local Authority Admission’s department. Usually the deadline for a full-time reception (Upper Foundation Stage) place is a date in January for them to start full-time in the September. If more children request a place than there are places available then the Local Authority will follow the criteria set out in their policy (please see the link below for further information).

In order that part-time children have a smooth transition into our school, our Foundation Stage staff undertake home visits and the children also build up their time to spending a full morning with us. Any child entering straight into our full-time Foundation Stage will be encouraged to come on transition visits during which they can familiarise themselves with the Foundation Stage environment, and meet their peers and the staff. This assists in ensuring that the children settle in to our school and become part of the West Bretton team as quickly as possible.

Transition meetings are also held with parents/carers each year to inform them of any changes in the next stage of their child’s education.

Local Authority Admissions policy

Please note, a new policy on Part-Time Admissions is awaited from the local authority.

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The School Council has decided to spend Sainsbury's School Vouchers on Fun Fitness Sessions.

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Tuesday 04 March 2025