Below is a list of the school's current staff members.




Mrs Jill Womersley Headteacher Designated Safeguarding Officer
Mrs Lesley Sellens Assistant Headteacher
Year 5/6 Teacher
Deputy Safeguarding Officer
Mrs Christina Scott Year 3/4 Teacher Maths Co-ordinator
Mrs Katie Corson Year 1/2 Teacher PE Co-ordinator
International Schools Co-ordinator
Mrs Elle Firth Foundation Stage Teacher Literacy Co-ordinator
Miss Hannah Nelson Foundation Stage Teacher
Mrs Sue Stakes Part-time Teacher
(all year groups)
Mrs Tracy Taylor Nursery Nurse
Mrs Lynne Swallow Teaching Assistant/ Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Janet Grindle Specialist  Teaching Assistant
Mrs Helen Bickerdike Specialist  Teaching Assistant
Mrs Mandy Rees Special Needs Teaching Assistant
Mrs Rachel Tarbuck Special Needs Teaching Assistant/Lunchtime Supervisor
Miss Rebecca Riley Special Needs Teaching Assistant/Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Christine Baker Senior Admin Assistant
Mrs Judith Brearton Admin Assistant
Mr Ian Hoyle Caretaker
Mrs Pauline Richardson Cleaner
Miss Debbie Kaye Catering Assistant (Kingswood)
Mrs Claire Bilton Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Wendy Evans Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Janice Finnegan Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Ann  Williams Lunchtime Supervisor
Latest notice...

The School Council has decided to spend Sainsbury's School Vouchers on Fun Fitness Sessions.

Next event...

What's happening in school? Check out our calendar of events.


Download a flier about our 2014 Christmas Fair on 9th December.

Click here for the PDF file
Wednesday 26 March 2025