Class 3

“Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.”


These are the first years in Key Stage 2, where the classroom is in a new area of school and there is a more formal approach to learning. Each morning, the children do a Literacy lesson. Some continue with Read Write Inc for a while, whilst others follow the Language and Literacy scheme of work, which is a progression from Read Write Inc. In KS2 there are different arrangements for individual and guided reading, and there is a special reading corner in the classroom where the children have the opportunity to sit on comfortable cushions and enjoy reading for pleasure.

In Class 3, the children are expected to work on developing a neatly joined-up handwriting style, and work towards being granted a pen-licence, after which they can write in pen instead of pencil. They also follow the ‘Get Spelling’ programme three or four times a week, which focuses on teaching spelling patterns and rules, followed by a weekly spelling test on Friday.

For morning maths lessons, the children go into Mrs Sellens’ classroom and follow the Abacus scheme of work, whilst the Upper KS2 (Years 5/6) children, go into Mrs Scott’s classroom for Maths.

During the afternoons, Class 3 don’t have the carousel of activities which they have been used to in Key Stage 1, but instead follow a more structured programme for their two-year cycle of topic work which usually has a science, history or geography focus. Cross-curricular links are made wherever possible, but sometimes, where sensible and relevant links can’t be made, subjects such as RE, Science or Computing are taught on a stand-alone basis. There is a strong emphasis on having visits or visitors to inspire the children and fully involve them in their learning. Mr Wood, a peripatetic music teacher, takes Class 3 for a weekly music lesson, as part of the Wider Opportunities programme, and Mrs Corson takes them for a weekly French lesson.

In Class 3, the children still have two hours of PE. In the Autumn term they have a specialist gymnastics teacher working with them, developing their gymnastic skills, and they also have more opportunity to attend Pyramid sporting tournaments and festivals.

Homework is sent home on Thursday afternoon, and should be completed and returned by Monday morning. Homework will usually consist of maths, spelling and individual reading practice, although occasionally children are asked to do some research to support their topic.

At Christmas, both KS2 classes work together on a Christmas carol service and in the Summer they jointly produce an end of Summer term performance, in which they have the opportunity to extend their music and drama skills, and demonstrate their achievements.

Teacher: Mrs C Scott

Teaching Assistant: Mrs M Rees, Miss R Riley, Mrs R Tarbuck

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Tuesday 04 March 2025